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1-Your CWV scores can change a lot depending on how fast your users' internet is. This affects how well your site performs. A quicker connection can lead to higher scores, showing how important user connection speed is for your website's performance.

2-The type of device your audience uses affects your CWV performance. Considering the device is important when evaluating your CWV scores. Different devices can impact how well your site performs with CWV.     Make sure to optimize your site for various devices to improve your CWV scores. Mobile devices and desktops have different capabilities, and your site must be optimized for both to ensure the best possible user experience across all platforms.

3-Google Search Console collects real-world usage data (field data) for websites to improve performance and user experience. While Page Speed Insights could deliver Field Data, Lab Data, or Origin Data

FIELD DATA: Based on real User Experience

Lab Data: Artificial Score (Page Speed Insights or Lighthouse)

Origin Data: When The URL has not enough data to provide data, it provides a score based on the experience of all pages in the domain

4- CWV updates reflect with a delay. Any changes you make to improve your site might not show up immediately in your CWV scores. Google reviews and updates these metrics roughly every 28 days. This delay shows that being patient and monitoring consistently are important for accurately evaluating the impact of optimizations.

5- Third-party JavaScript can cause issues with Core Web Vitals. Unused or inefficient third-party scripts on your site are often the culprit for these problems. These scripts can slow down your site, negatively impacting your CWV scores. Streamlining these resources can lead to substantial improvements in site performance and user experience.

Extra Pro Tip: Take a moment to assess your niche and observe the performance of similar websites. Many ways exist to improve Core Web Vitals.

Aim for excellence in all changes you make to enhance performance. But it's important to know that getting a perfect score may not always be possible because of different limitations. Work toward continuous improvement and prioritize changes that deliver the most significant impact on user experience.

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