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Instagram is a great place to market your brand and content

Instagram, the social media platform that Facebook bought for $1 billion in 2012, is quickly becoming one of the most popular destinations for people of all ages. With so many people scrolling through its images every day, you have to make sure your brand and content is represented well here.

You might have doubts. Maybe you think Instagram is just a trend or a fad. Or maybe you think it is only a place for millennials. Here are some statistics that will show you just how crucial it is to market on Instagram.

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700 Million

Monthly active users (400 million daily)

250 Million

Instagram Stories daily active users


Percent of users who follow at least one brand


Percent of users who report learning about a brand or service exclusively from Instagram

120 Million

Number of users, in one month. who visited a website or contacted a brand based on an Instagram Ad


The increase in engagement rates on posts, compared to Facebook and Twitter, respectively.

That’s a lot of people and a lot of engagement with brands!

Need One More Reason To Start Marketing On Instagram?

It’s simple. Posting is simple. Adding hashtags (which is how you find people interested in your subject matter) is simple. Advertising is simple. And understanding the metrics and insights is very straightforward and simple so that you can fine-tune your marketing efforts and reach as many people and as much engagement as possible.

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Instagram Is Here To Stay

Instagram isn’t just a trend. It isn’t going away. And it is a wonderful opportunity for your company to really show your audience who you are. And there are people paying attention. You just have to start.

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