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What is Nearshore Development?
Nearshoring is a form of outsourcing especially popular with custom software development and business processes. It allows companies to partner with businesses that are in nearby countries and similar time zones. Further such countries have high levels of English fluency. The option of nearshoring is particularly attractive when compared with working with countries that are far-flung, operating on different time zones with varying levels of English fluency. When a business in the U.S. contracts with a business in Costa Rica to develop an app or create a website, this is an example of nearshoring.
Why Use Nearshoring for Software Development Services?
Nearshore development is a great way for businesses to create their products and services at a lower cost and more rapidly than they might if doing it internally. How does this work?
Nearshore development offers large pools of highly talented and educated individuals available to work on projects on an ongoing or temporary basis. The educational level of tech sectors in Latin America (a nearshore destination for North America) is high and there’s a large pool of available and talented developers and engineers for hire.
The level of English fluency among countries in Latin America is also high. This helps US businesses engaged in nearshoring know that communication won’t be a stress.
Geographically, Latin America is close to North America. This puts all parties in similar if not the same time zones, thereby easing daily communication. There’s no having to wait a day for a response to an email. Nearshoring further eliminates very early or very late meeting times. The geographic proximity also makes travel for business trips, if and when necessary, shorter and more efficient.
Contrast this model with a North American company doing business with a company in India. Time zones are different, levels of English are vary, and geographically the distance between the nations is large and its time consumptive to travel.
Nearshore Backend Software Development
Nearshore outsourcing can take on all phases of the development of a product including both front and back end.
Backend developers build code that enables databases and applications to communicate with one another. The backend developers on a project are responsible for the internal workings and communications behind the screens of a software.
Backend development uses backend programming languages to fulfill requests on the server side. In addition to developing software, they may maintain the back-end of a website or app with databases, servers and any other tools of communication that are necessary between parts to make a website or app function. In simple terms, backend development creates the functionality of software.
Backend development relies on languages such as Ruby on Rails, Python, PHP, SQL, and others.
Nearshore Frontend Development
Frontend developers use front end programming languages to create what the user sees in a browser. A Front End web developer is charged with the visual portion of the software, what the user sees and interacts with in a browser or app.
Three examples of frontend language are: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Frontend and backend developers work together on projects to ensure high quality applications and websites are created. This means rapid, full functionality, visual appeal and user-friendly products enter into the marketplace. When a business opts to nearshore a project the talent from outside the home country sets to work putting together an optimal product within an agreed upon timeline. Let’s dive in a bit further as to how the workflow of a project works.
The Nearshore Software Development Model
The first step is to find the right nearshore partner. Interviews will need to be conducted and information exchanged. It’s also important to ask for references, check past work experience and discuss your own project in depth before engaging a business partner. Once the right partnership has been established, the teams get to work developing your business software.
At Pixel506, our backend development teams work using Agile Methodologies and do sprints that keep the client aware of progress step by step, throughout the development phase. This enables clients to make changes as the development progresses without waiting to see the final product before deciding on changes. An objective is set, a sprint begins and once that objective is reached, the sprint is finished and the client is made aware of the progress. Time can be budgeted for feedback, revisions and more. With all parties in agreement the next sprint begins and so on until the product is completed. Pixel506 teams can and often do stay on with our clients post a product’s launch to ensure a successful product lifecycle. Read our blog about 4 nearshoring success stories.
Key Takeaways:
- Nearshoring is a form of outsourcing especially popular with custom software development and business processes.
- Nearshore development is a great way for businesses to create their products and services at a lower cost and more rapidly than they might if doing it internally.
- Nearshore backend development teams work using Agile Methodologies and do sprints that keep the client aware of progress step by step, throughout the development phase.
About Pixel506
Pixel506 is an award-winning nearshore agency that helps companies succeed in the digital world. We develop websites, design mobile applications, provide social media support, create content, and conduct keyword research, among other services. In addition, we offer software development services in Costa Rica, as well as set up SEO and SEM campaigns and design customized brand styles from the ground up. These are only a few examples of the wide variety of services that we provide.
Since 2009, we have continuously expanded our knowledge, skills, and experience. Today, as an end-to-end marketing agency, Pixel506 offers a wide variety of services across the creative, digital and technological landscape. Our people-focused, data-driven, and results-oriented philosophy ensures that everything we produce is wholesome, measurable, and efficient.
We invest heavily in developing and maintaining strong client relationships. By working closely with our clients, we ensure that we offer customized solutions and deliver high-quality, insightful, and actionable results. Most of our team members are located in Latin America, but we are a Brooklyn-born company with a strong client base in North America.
Are you considering software development nearshoring? Looking for a reliable partner agency? Interested in learning more about our services? Leave us a message and we’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible.