What Is The Role Of User Experience In Companies
User experience is at the center of the organizations as a top priority for digital transformation. It’s what drives brands, finds, converts, and retains users, and ultimately boosts revenue. A majority of decision makers have it on their top three priorities and most organizations see an increase in ROI almost immediately.
UX is often seen like a magic pill that will automatically transform a company. However, it’s not that simple. User experience is both a strategy and design methodology and a way of life, so to speak. We can boil user experience down into these three questions.
- How useful a system is (Usability)
- If the users can do what they need to do (Functionality)
- How fun, attractive, and pleasant to use it is (Desirability)
User Experience Roi Benefits
When a user feels valued because of their experience with a system, service, or product, they’ll become a fan and they’ll talk about it. They’ll do your marketing for you. Great UX shows the difference between customers and fans. Customers use a service or buy a product. But fans use it, talk about it, and come back for more.
Most importantly to those thinking about the checkbook, great UX saves you money and boosts revenue.
Skeptical? Here’s how:
Better Retention Leads To Increased Profits
Loyal customers (Fans) come back and spend more. User retention rises as products meet their needs, especially when talking about digital platform UX. Forbes estimates that boosting customer retention by 5% can increase profits by at least 25%. When users are legitimately excited about a product or service, or if the service was particularly helpful, then they are more likely to suggest it to people they know.
Create Loyal Clients
Great UX makes your products easier to find and buy. Combine this with users who feel more loyal to and excited about your brand and you get sales.
Improve Your Marketing Strategy
You’ll save money on marketing with UX. The first step to great UX is knowing your users inside and out so you’ll be able to get straight to the marketing methods that reach your target audience best. You’ll know what what they are doing and thinking on their user journey interacting with your product or service. You’ll know what users are doing before engaging. And you’ll know what they want to do after done engaging.
Avoid Creating The Wrong Product
Designing for UX will reduce the risk of building the wrong product. It’s much cheaper to design and develop a system based on UX research than it is to develop a system that needs to be changed or scrapped later.
Become More Innovative
UX will make you more innovative. All the research and analysis you do to create a great UX will naturally launch your company into this frame of mind. It will push you to constantly be at the top of your game and at the front of the market.
Better User Experience Is Worth It
Creating an exceptional user experience takes research, data analysis, creativity and deliberate planning. It’s aligning all touch points -branding, marketing, customer service- to have happier users and boosted sales. User experience is both more and less simple than people think. There’s endless information online about UX. And everyone has an opinion about it. Our goal is to share with you the real answer to what user experience is, how it can help your company, and how to make it effective.
About Pixel506
Pixel506 loves to help companies with their content marketing strategy and creation. We’ve got the whole team to do it, from strategists, to copywriters, to graphic designers. We even have user experience experts who can make sure your messages and graphic design are on point for your target audience.